VizPainter is a maxscript tool to help in animating the visibility track for single or several objects. This one works with a "brush"( a Sphere Dummy ). Animate the Brush accross your scene, select the object you want to make appear the click on Apply To Selection button. When one of the object is in the sphere radius, the visibility animation start. You can adjust start and end visibility value, duration for the transition and add some random value.
VizAnimator is a maxscript tool to help in animating the visibility track for single or several objects. Simply select objects then choose the start frame and the transition duration. You can choose the start and end transition visibility value. You can randomize the transition start with the random factor spinner. Simply click on Apply to Selection button and the animation is done! The visibility track is activated automatically.
Currently wotking on my short film, I am close to finish the astronaut model. I use Blender to modelize the base shape and to sculpt in multires. Here are some screen captures:
Last night I test (once again) the Blender sculpt function on a face I had modeled , after reading this Excelent tutorial. Unwarp a face and baking AO and Normals from High resolution model to Low resolution is so easy in Blender. Here is the result:
mercredi 3 juin 2009
Final wall collapse animation (with sound) Rendered with MentalRay for geometry and scanline for particle flow smoke. composited in After effects. no plugins were used.
The animation illustrate a castle wall destroyed by canon shots. The final animation will be used in a museum show. No pligins were used. It is 100% Particle Flow, no physical simulation.