dimanche 22 mars 2020
mercredi 11 mars 2020
Blender render Batch
Create a text file and save it as testbash in ubuntu 'home'
This one let you render choosen scene in your blender file.
VAR1 line is a variable to define the project path so you can re use it
cd line define Blender path
The following bash render 3 sub scenes of a single file names test.blend
To run it, first use chmod +x testbash then ./testbash in the terminal.
This one let you render choosen scene in your blender file.
VAR1 line is a variable to define the project path so you can re use it
cd line define Blender path
The following bash render 3 sub scenes of a single file names test.blend
To run it, first use chmod +x testbash then ./testbash in the terminal.
#$ chmod +x testbash
cd /home/ol/Documents/blender-2.82
./blender -b $VAR1/test.blend -S 'sc_torus' -o //render/torus/ -a
echo "***********************************************************"
./blender -b $VAR1/test.blend -S 'sc_cub' -o //render/cube/ -a
echo "***********************************************************"
./blender -b $VAR1/test.blend -S 'sc_suzanne' -o //render/suzanne/ -a
echo "***********************************************************"
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