limited value
whaterver le var value is, it stop at 0 if less and 1 if more:
min(max(var, 0),1)
current frame value with sinusoidale loop
sin(frame*0.1) // 3D - VFX - Motion Design
limited value
whaterver le var value is, it stop at 0 if less and 1 if more:
min(max(var, 0),1)
current frame value with sinusoidale loop
cool way to obtain tesselation:
subdivide the mesh for a good vertesx density.
add vgroup by selecting all the vertex or vertex painting
use decimate modifier with vgroup
Following this tutorial :
I faced Mantaflow bugs (ubuntu20/blender 2.83.9):
Fluid/Flow/inflow/ intial velocity have to be very high (20 in my scene, 1 in the tutorial)
Fluid/Domain/Cache/Type modular break render randomly: use Final always
Fluid/Domain/Adaptive Domain can randomly break at domain border : no solution for now
Material loose major voxels packs at render: It seam related to use of ColorRamp for smoke density
Mosaïc node group generate a 3x3 color grid on UV (if you map it on a plane, it will fill it). Usefull for lowpoly shading all in one shader.
Reset UV. Select wanted faces and move them on the color location based on the 3x3 grid.
how it's done:
#$ chmod +x testbash
cd /home/ol/Documents/blender-2.82
./blender -b $VAR1/test.blend -S 'sc_torus' -o //render/torus/ -a
echo "***********************************************************"
./blender -b $VAR1/test.blend -S 'sc_cub' -o //render/cube/ -a
echo "***********************************************************"
./blender -b $VAR1/test.blend -S 'sc_suzanne' -o //render/suzanne/ -a
echo "***********************************************************"
import bpy def funk1(bla,blu): print("function with external references") print('sum of it =', bla+blu) def funk2(): print('basic function') bla=3 blu=5 funk1(bla,blu) bla=20 blu=30 funk1(bla,blu) funk2()
function with external references sum of it = 8 function with external references sum of it = 50 basic function